Coffee and Tea Kiosk

Enquiry KS-20100 Coffee counter Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 3600mm(L) x 2690mm(W) x 914mm(H) (or custom) Specification Main structure - Stainless steel 2 washing sink Trash...
Enquiry KS-20102 Coffee kiosk - Large Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 2245mm(L) x 910mm(W) x 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless...
  Enquiry KS-20103 Coffee Cart Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1200mm(L) x 750mm(W) X 2200mm(H) (or custom) Specification Wooden / Stainless steel bench top Wooden body, steel...
Enquiry KS-20104 Tea kiosk Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1950mm(L) x 910mm(W) x 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Main structure - Mild steel with powder coating Printed...
Enquiry KS-20105 Coffee kiosk - Medium Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1750mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless...
Enquiry KS-20105B Coffee kiosk with Back Counter Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size [F] 2400mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 2100mm(H) (or custom)[B] 2400mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 1050+150mm(H) (or...
  Enquiry KS-20106 Coffee kiosk Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 2400mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel main structure Stainless steel sink and hand...
Enquiry KS-20107 Coffee Cart Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 2300mm(L) x 1200mm(W) X 2200mm(H) (or custom)[Desktop] 2000mm(L) x 900mm(W) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless steel...
Enquiry KS-20108 Coffee Kiosk - Extra Large Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 2850mm(L) x 910mm(W) x 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless...
  Enquiry KS-20109 Corporate coffee counter Application Food & Beverage, Pastry & cake etc… Standard size 2400mm(L) x 1500mm(W) x 1000mm(H) (or custom) Specification Main structure - Stainless steel Stainless...
Enquiry KS-20110 Coffee kiosk - Indoor Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1600mm(L) x 910mm(W) x 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Storage areas Two...
  Enquiry KS-20111 Coffee kiosk - Premium Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 2400mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless...
Enquiry KS-20112 Tea kiosk - Premium Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1750mm(L) x 910mm(W) x 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless steel...
Enquiry KS-20113 Coffee kiosk - Medium Model Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1750mm(L) x 910mm(W) X 2100mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Stainless...
  Enquiry KS-20114 Coffee Push Trolley Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size 1200mm(L) x 700mm(W) X 900mm(H) (or custom) Specification Stainless steel bench top Mild steel body...
Enquiry KS-40001 Mobile cafe Application Food & Beverage, Coffee, Tea etc… Standard size (Custom) Specification Stainless steel structure and bench top Stainless steel sink Ice bin Cup dispenser Storage...